
Practice good manners when you Trick-Or-Treat!

To plan for this festive day, we're establishing some general ground rules for those on the "receiving" end
  • Stay on the walk-way to the front door. You don't want to mow down your neighbor’s prize mums.
  • Ring the door bell twice, if there is no response move on to another home.
  • Homes that are dark should not be approached.  They are either not at home or do not wish to participate in Halloween.
  • Carry a flash light at all times so cars can see you and you can see where you're walking.
  • Be courteous when someone answers the door, say "Trick-or-Treat" nicely.
  • Be sure to say, "Thank you" after receiving your treat.
  • Never go into someone's home.
  • Only eat candy that is wrapped.
  • Time to start Halloween is when it becomes dark outside and not past 9:00 p.m.
  • Don't rifle through the candy to find your favorite treat. Take one treat unless told otherwise.

Please visit our website for upcoming etiquette classes.
 or like us on our facebook page

Be sure to tune in to Arizona Midday channel 12, on October 31st at 12:30 p.m.  Destry and I will be talking more about Halloween Etiquette!